We are Aviva, from France, and Lydia, from the Netherlands. Years ago we met online through a shared interest in books and we bonded in our fangirling and fuming over terrible characters.

 A sistren was formed.

Lydia has a background in life sciences and neuropsychology and Aviva has a degree in art history and one in archaeology. Knitting became a hobby for us when life didn’t go the way we wanted and it turned into a wonderful relaxing distraction.
We love playing with colorful yarn and it was only a logical development to start dyeing our own yarn.

Our decision to combine acid dyes and natural dyeing for The Fox and the Knight came naturally. Lydia decided to go all mad scientist with acid dyes while Aviva preferred to play the witch with natural dyeing.

We tend to go for moody colorways with the occasional rare bright colour. We both dye principally semi solids that can be easily combined. We are inspired mostly by (intelligent) animals, women in history and science and pop culture! Sometimes we just like to play around and see what happens. Yarnarchy!

Nothing written here is as glamorous as it seems.